Brave Like Jackie
The dynamic trio is back, and just in time! When it looks like their friend Marty is about to cave to peer pressure, Lucky, Rudy, and Red take another trip back in time for a courageous adventure with Jackie Robinson, the first Black baseball player to play Major League Baseball. It's rough going at first for Jackie, but he faces down prejudice with cool calm. Can Marty find courage of his own? Find out in Brave Like Jackie!

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Why I Wrote This Book
"Put on a brave face!" is something that we tell kids to do all of the time. But what does that even mean? You can be brave in all sorts of ways. You can stand up for what is right! Or stand up to a bully or tell a hard truth to a friend. Jackie Robinson lived in a way that shows us that you can be more than one thing. You can be a hall of fame baseball player and a civil rights activist. You can be scared about being bullied and being inspirationally brave for future generations.